Friday, May 18, 2012



International Mountain Museum(IMM)  is located in Pokhara. when you come to visit in Pokhara, dont miss to visit International Mountain Museum once. It introduces about the mountainous people that lives in the  foreign and local mountains. It tells everything about the ecosystem in the mountain. IMM is establised with a purpose to record, document, and chronicle the various developments and changes that has taken place in the past mainly in three areas they are, people living around the world mountain system the historic and scientific information of the origination of the world mountain system and various mountain system and various system activities.

With the objectives to record, document, exhibit and chronicle the past and the present development of mountain and mountaineering activities in the world, with support of many mountaineering clubs and associations individual donors from the world, Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) has built this International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara.
The museum was partially opened on May, 2002 by famous climbers Ms. Tabei Junko and Appa Sherpa. It was fully opened for public on feb 05, 2004. With the display area of more than 4200 Museum building is built on 12.6 acres land with nice open landscape.
                                                      About the galleries
The theme of this museum is to cover the information and exhibits related with the Man, Mountain and Mountain activities around the world. The whole display area of the museum is based and divided on the above theme therefore the galleries are as follows:
  1. Mountain People Gallery: It introduces the customs, tradition, heritage, culture and way of life of the mountain peoples.
  1. Mountain Gallery: This gallery presents the natural history, specially geological facts about the origin of world mountain system, the gallery displays and gives explanations on the subjects like geology, flora/fauna, glaciology and related persons like Toni Hagen and Kawaguchi Ekai.
  1. Mountain Activities Gallery: It comprises the historical ascents and explorations in and around mountain areas, trekking etc. And it also displays the development of the climbing gears and required equipments for mountaineering.
  1. Associates' Gallery: The presentation of various activities carried out by different INGO's and NGO's in and around mountain areas e.g.:- IUCN, ICIMOD are displayed and explained in this gallery.
Library : A small library with a collection of more than 2000 books related to mountaineering, culture, flora/fauna, geology and glaciology of famous author and the various journals of the world could be used by the students and scholars.
What to see
1. Way of life of different mountain people of Himalayas and rest of world as well, like:- Tamang, Thakali, Chantyal, Gurung, Magar, Sherpa and also Slovenian and Japanese.
2. Comparative pictures of the way of life of Nepal Himalayas and European Alps, which has intended to show that we are not very far behind to catch the desired development, it is just two generation away i.e. fifty years.
3. Brief introduction to the 14 highest peaks in the world. A lot of impressive pictures of various mountains of Himalayas.
4. Birth of Himalayas, typical rocks, fossils and geological formation are displayed in the geological section such as Metamorphic rock, Sedimentary rock, Minerals, Fossils (Ammonites), folding of rocks and ripple marked rocks etc.
5. In the flora fauna section WWF and King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation has displayed their various activities for the nature conservation in Himalayan region, along with the nice pictures of the flowers of the Himalayas.
6. To give the honor to Reverend Ekai Kawaguchi, Late Kumar Khadga Bikrum Shah and Late Dr. Toni Hagen for their significant contribution for the introduction and promotion of the Nepal Himalayas to rest of the world, a corner has been dedicated in their honor and hence their exemplary works are on display.
7. Mountaineering chronicles of the first ascents of all the highest peaks (above 8000m) of the world are displayed in the panels of mountain activity gallery. Likewise this section exhibits the equipment used by those expeditions.
8. The necessary equipments, way of their uses and their development history are exhibited in the showcases in the same gallery.
9. Tale of 'YETI', (the sensation of the Himalayas), tells the stories about it, and thought and beliefs of famous researchers and writers and the remark of the local people who encountered with Yeti.
10. Display of garbage from Mt.Everest tells us how the human activities on mountain pollute the mountains.
11. Royal Geographical Society and British Council has presented the historical pictures of Everest region which reflect the mountaineering activities since 1921 to 1953 (the first ascent of Mt. Everest) under the title of 'Imaging Everest'.
12. Trekking view section shows the typical photographs of the Annapurna area.
13. Lakhang: A prayer room is a symbolic of the religion prevalent in the Himalayan region. A prayer by the Lama before the climbing on the mountains takes place has become a part of culture of mountaineering in the Himalayas.
Other Facilities: (to be shown with relative Photos n videos)
Audio Visual Hall: : To screening the documentary, films and other presentation a small Audio/Visual hall is in the Museum building
Conference Hall : A conference hall is available.
Outdoor Facilities:
Craft Village : The thatched huts on the south-eastern side of the Museum building, offers a view of the typical Nepali mountain village. It acts as a living museum, where one can see people at work with all originality and tradition.
Restaurant : The restaurant in the same craft village serves all kind of foods including typical Nepali delicacies.
Souvenir Shop : A small souvenir shop is located inside the museum hall and in the craft village area as well.
Mt. Manaslu Model : The climbable 31 feet high model of Mt. Manaslu, just out side of the museum building is another attraction for the visitors.
Climbing wall A artificial climbing wall of about 21m height in the museum premise is another sensational facility to those who love the climbing sports.
The following map shows

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